20 August, 2005

'Round and 'round we go

So it's that time of year again. Lunch pails and apples are polished and ready to go. School's back in.

(Has anyone ever really seen a lunch pail? I had this sweet metal Optimus Prime lunchbox when I was in elementary school. It was a lot of things, but a bucket was not one of them.)

As a student, the start of school was always kinda bittersweet — okay, maybe a whole lot more bitter than sweet. News flash, kids: it's not so sweet for your oppressors either. Yeah, I guess it's time to get back to "making a living" and "paying the bills" and all that crap, and I really like my career when it gets down to it, but who is ever excited to get back to the office after a nice, long vacation? That's what I'm sayin'.

As for (A)pples, some of those were rather tarnished last week. A school district near Richmond, Va., has one of those one-to-one laptop programs where every student gets a computer. First of all, I have my doubts about those programs. Most tech in the classroom is ill-used, so I think a lot of those laptops just get used for IM and porn. I'm not sure they're all bad, but without good training and support it just seems like a waste of money. Second, this district is switching from Macs to Dells — idiots. Third, and probably worse, they sold off all the used, 4-year-old iBooks for $50 each, conservatively 1/5 of their eBay price. Of course, this caused a stampede and near riot. Lots has been written about it, including this local news coverage with photos and video (Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond NBC 12). Ugly.

Just in case you were wondering, I've never received an apple of any kind from a student.


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