12 November, 2005

Your little hoodrat friend, part 2

The Hold Steady made it to Littleton High School earlier this month (actually, the day before my last post, but this ain't no 24-hour news cycle here), and Westword had a pretty good write up. A highlight:

"We've had an incredible year," [front man Craig Finn] muses, "and this is the most insane day of it. I mean, from doing Conan O'Brien to being on the cover of the Village Voice, this is more exciting than any of that."

Read the whole story here. And help me figure out how I can do that.

Powder day?
Ski season is finally ramping up. Copper, Keystone, and Breck are now open; Winter Park opens Wednesday; Steamboat opens the following Wednesday. Dreaming of that first powder day of the year....


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