10 December, 2005

Ho ho ho.

Not the same as a powder day
Fifteen shopping days till Christmas. Time to buckle down (knuckle under?) and hit the stores. That's where I'm headed in mere moments. But really, last Saturday was much better. I made it up to Winter Park for my first turns of the year, and frankly I'll be shocked if I ever have a better first day the rest of my life. The resort had reported 13" of fresh in the previous 24 hours. Al and I stuck to the Mary Jane trees to skier's/rider's right of the Sunshine lift nearly all day, which is shocking for early December. I was regularly in the soft stuff up to my knees, with no bottom to hit. Once I was up to my hips. I only hit two rocks all day, which would normally be remarkable on groomed runs this time of year. It was fan-fucking-tastic. So my body will be driving circles in parking lots today while my mind is up around 9,000 ft.

Sags are cool
Speaking of the Headmaster, it's his birthday today. And there are only four shopping days left until my own. Don't just sit there!


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